Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Beauty is in the eye....

Gorgeous....natural beauty.  Color and composition of this hibiscus, breathtaking!  

We have two hibiscus in pots around the pool and the colors are unusual, to me.  Being in Hawaii when I was a kid, the hibiscus at my house were red.  So that is "normal" to me.  These I adore with the peach on the outer moving into a beautiful pink, to a deep magenta.  Then look at that stamen!  Greenish to yellow to orange.  LOVELY!!!

This flower made me want to wander the yard and neighborhood for beauties to photograph.  Be forewarned.

Puppy love....

My Cowboy was separated from his four brothers "too late" and has fear issues with other dogs I was once told.  When he is confronted with a new dog he barks barks barks.....I had a trainer who is extremely successful do a session with me once and the above was her deduction.  He's barking out of fear.  Though he's an incredibly social dog with people, he fails with dogs, though I think he wants to be.

When I brought him home at 4 months he stood barking and shaking at the greyhounds and eventually calmed down and accepted them.  He recently has had my daughters little dog to contend with.  When Becca moved home with her little Kira, we had a noisy day and Cowboy had to wear his muzzle again.  He finally got used to Kira and that little ball of energy would jump all over him, nipping his ears and legs.  As we observed, we thought he looked like he was playing so we took off his muzzle and stood back.

Cute as can be!  The two play so well together.....Kira often leaving Cowboy a slobbery mess, but happy.  He will plop down on his back and let her at his neck then turn and run after her, chasing all over.  I thin he's happy to have a "sister".