Monday, December 29, 2014

Nature trail

Round one in the nature trail and yes, there will definitely be a round two....

Out our sweet little side gate and immediately onto the one mile jaunt. Pictures are in order of how we came upon things. 

Looking back at our cottage as we head out. 
Our own path....
On the road...,
Bottle trees!  On closer inspection there are notes in many of the bottles. 
I loved this arrowhead shaped stone with the marble behind it. 
Coming up on the bowling ball graveyard...
Yup, that's what it is, alright!
A bench is located across from the St. Francis and all the goodies in the tree. 
More scenes along the trail. 
Out trail guide is in the upper left corner. To right, Stacy is gathering firewood, Stacy and coffee (he travels well), and me with the motto of the B&B in giant scrabble form. 

Breakfast, yum!!

Sitting on front porch sipping hot coffee and waiting for breakfast delivery....9 am and we hear a joyous and hearty "good morning!" belted out as Don Morelock rounds the corner with a tray, laden with a beautiful breakfast. 
Herbed poached egg. Some incredible toast, hearty and with nuts and dried fruits. Bacon. Fruit. Nuts. White grape juice. 

We chose the right place. Pampered is the word of the day. 

It's a beautiful morning...

Gate leading out to nature trail. Hand hewn pitchfork. I want one. Sun shining, white puffy clouds in the beautiful blue Texas sky, rooster crowing. Hot, delicious coffee in a handmade mug, I head outside with a thick blanket to enjoy the crisp morning here at Star of Texas. Settling myself into the chair on the porch doesn't last long because I feel a need to capture what beauty I can. Too bad pictures don't capture the wonderful smell of a fire.....but it's there. 
Right in front of where I'm sitting. There is a little star stuck into the tree and a metal plaque of sorts at the base. Love the vignettes they've created around here. 
Hand hewn pitchfork....I want one this is where I've set up camp, the chair with the blanket. 
Gate leading to nature trail. After breakfast we are heading out on a hike. Stacy said "brrrr" when I suggested it but it will be invigorating and beautiful. 
Beautiful vignette at the corner of our cottage showing the name. Love this place, perfect choice for a getaway. 
Stacy greeting the morning. 
Coffee on a crisp morning. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

And the changes keep rolling right along....

Finally....I'm the "acting director" of the Leon Valley Public Library. Come January when we are all back at work at the same time, the formal offer will be presented. But until then, I've been asked to move into the office. 

I've spent a couple days working my way in and am making progress. But take a gander at the lovely 70s wallpaper. I'm going to offer to strip it and paint. Long story but a year or so ago this office was to be redone but they physically couldn't get into it and now I get the joy of a very unmotivating space to work in. But that will be temporary as I work my magic!  Eyes peeled for an update to the look of my space!  Until then, more changes on the horizon?