Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sibling reunion flight day

My sweet husband posted this pic on Facebook with the comment as noted. He is the most gentle, loving soul.

My journey is starting. The last time all my brothers and sisters and I have been all together was 29 years ago when Mom died. This is going to be so special. Two flights to get to California. Then Steve and Sally are picking me up at airport. Pics to come!

Monday, August 17, 2015 change

This is MY time.  I'm choosing to put myself first, to be selfish, that it is all about ME.  I've always put everyone else first, at the risk of hurting myself, my feelings and my health.  I've done my time, my good deeds, served on committees, raised children.  Now I will be first and I hope it's not too late.

I will say no if I don't feel something is best for me.  No explanation necessary.  I will eat healthier, consume more water, sleep more.  I will work my body, whether it be walking or weights or stretching.  I long to do tai chi chih with my husband.  I will meditate and learn to live NOW.  

I will pursue mindfulness and simplicity.  I will only have things in my life that spark joy.  I will NOT tolerate toxic people in my life.  I have choices and will exercise them to the betterment of myself.  

I choose content, NOW, peace, appreciation.  I have started by choosing a husband that is headed this way, that is open to new ideas, that feels the energy of the world.  My chore now is to let go of restraints and join him in our journey.  

Thank you, Stacy, for entering my life and introducing me to the beauty of 20 minutes of sunshine and meditation daily.