Sunday, March 29, 2015


This simply makes me howl with laughter. Just had to save it somewhere. Honestly, I've been surprised at the number of men who've told me that librarian conjures up a sexy image. Guess this is one??

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

All spur fans wonder....WWKD??

What will Kawhi Do?

The San Antonio Spurs were the champs last year, Kawhi Leonard earning MVP.  Though he's only been with the Spurs three years, it sure seems this last year he's come into his own.  We've all enjoyed his spots in the HEB ads with the Big Three, this year adding Patty Mills to that lineup.  But most important, Kawhi's skills on the court have just blossomed incredibly  He's become comfortable with his role on the team and currently holds top spot on steals per game at 2.2 as of this writing.

Die hard Spurs fans know that the Big Three (Duncan, Parker and Ginobili) have been together YEARS and have taken cuts in pay and playing time to build a team.  The Spurs sport a team of many great players and a deep bench.  Pop's coaching and Holt's ownership lead the team to a modest overall image....not one BIG name that IS the team, but MANY names with great skills and spreading the money so that the team is deep. That means that sometimes these great players that could earn so much more elsewhere will not set some records because they do not play as much as someone like LeBron.

Less money per year, less playing time as one doesn't hog the limelight, GREAT team building and morale. Fans that are incredibly dedicated and love the entire team.

This is why many are talking.  Kawhi is HUGE.  Making incredible plays.  He will be a free agent at end of year.  Will he go for a team that will offer him mega bucks?  He's going to be very sought after.  Or....will he show Spurs mentality and take a less to maintain the incredibly well rounded team?  The team that doesn't depend on ONE man, the team whose performance doesn't depend if one man is well or injured?  Can Tim, Tony and Manu have influence on him to stay? Will money talk?

Personally I hope Kawhi stays a Spur, but he's young and I'm afraid he will go for the allure of money.  Time will tell.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Life is a journey and I seem to not be able to record it well, although my intentions are good.  Our last big news was that Stacy and I got married.  We are almost three months into this and are looking to sell the house we are in.  Mid December, before I knew I was going to be Director of the library in January....Stacy said something like....."I'm retired, we're starting a new life, let's move closer to your work."  WOW!  Unexpected.

Today we started prep to JUMP!  Met with a great realtor and will be getting this house in order for a major life stress.  Add that Stacy is potentially undergoing his third shoulder surgery for the injury almost 2.5 years ago before we met.  Can we ask for more on our plates?? What's that?  Oh yea, I just started in a new position and am dealing with lots of changes, opposition to change, challenges, hiring, enforcing the employee handbook.  But it's fun.  And still stress.  I'm hoping to get better at this writing and recording my life, for posterity's sake anyway.  

One thing I always look for is a picture that really "hits" me and this one I adore.  Wish I had this kind of talent.  Buckle up for the journey is starting.....

Image credit: