I can't believe how the changes keep coming. I had just been riding the wave, the house sold and closed fast. I'm completely moved to San Antonio (not that I'm organized or unpacked, but that will come.)
The latest changes I believe are going to be job related. I got a call yesterday from the Leon Valley Human Resources Department about the Assistant Library Director job that I'd gotten wind of a while back. Things kind of died on that front for a while so I'd written it off and was furiously applying with the City of San Antonio among other places as I need full time, not part time as I now have.
Out of the blue! I guess that is the way it goes....the whole don't count your chickens, a watched pot, blah blah blah. Good thing though. Tuesday, December 3 I head to HR to talk about temporary employment to get me in asap and I've already sent my application for the Assistant Director in. Once I'm in as temp, I'm a shoe in for the job it sounds. Of course, I don't want to say that in case I jinx it. But I feel this is where I'm supposed to go. A public library, similar to what I came from, where my heart is.
I'm glad I've done the academia thing and learned this is not where my heart is. It's with the people....all the people from toddlers to the seniors. Teaching them, helping them find information, being part of their lives and hopefully enriching it. I'm hoping my niche has opened up.