Pondering, pondering. I've been tossing about the idea of buying a domain name and then making personal email accounts. Should I???? I use wordpress.org for work websites and have gotten pretty good with it. There are some pretty cool plug ins that I can't use on my wordpress.com blog. BUT....is it worth paying for? Should I just stay with the constantly available from anywhere free gmail or live account and forsake any personalized email? If I decide to let my website go, then I'm out my personalized email. All these things run through my head constantly.
As I put them on paper, I'm not thinking, just STOP! Stick with the freebies. I love tech but I'm not the big tech guru as evidenced by my blog that doesn't get updated as much as it should. I would love to keep a better record of what runs through my head. Possibly in the future a domain name. But for now I need to just create my landing page that has links to my daily places to visit.....found symbaloo recently and may use that.
.....sigh.....more decisions. Gotta love ever changing tech!