So, the bank the library does business with calls, wanting to do a print ad with a picture talking about why it's easy doing business with them. Fine. I hate pictures of myself, but little Liberty Hill, small newspaper that half the town doesn't read, what's the harm, right?
Well, picture taken, THEN they tell us that not only will it be in the local paper, BUT....and a big BUT this will be on the CityLights Theater screens for the month of December during the promo/ad time before all the movies. BIG SCREEN....UGH! Up side? Send my kids to the movies and mortify them when they see my picture up there ..... BIG!
Oh well, such is life. I, for one, won't be in Georgetown at the theaters in the month of December.
*in picture: Steve Stinson, LH Library Trustee and First Texas Bank Manager; April Hoffmann Library Assitant; Sandy Schultz Library Director; Alma Jellison, First Texas Bank Branch Manager*
....random ramblings from inside the mind of sandy. i make no apologies for my posts, they are mine; my thoughts, my opinions, subject to change if i learn differently. my challenge to anyone reading is to think for yourself and be open to possibilities......
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Watching Avatar for the.....fourth (?) time
Avatar is my fav movie at this time, obviously. I love the message, but for some reason, the movie appeals a LOT. I got the three disk special release and am watching the extended version. Dying to see the other two discs too.
ALSO....have wanted TrueBlood for ages, but at $54 for the season, was out of my budget UNTIL....da da da dum.....Best Buy put it on sale for $14.99 for Black Friday and today (Saturday). Ran to get it today. YAY!

Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A true friend....

Michele has that rare quality of always putting others first, true true selflessness. Something I've admired in her since day one. Only recently have I realized that I failed to tell her how much she truly meant to me and how much I have admired her all these years. Someone to emulate. Each day in the world is much better simply because of her. I love you dearly Michele and your random act of kindness and love is appreciated by my entire family. I love that you said "I had a nice visit with him" in talking about it. The tears just keep coming and I'll welcome them. Thank you for being in my life.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The most important things in life.....are people.
The longer I live, the more I embrace the thought that people are all that matter. It's so easy to get caught up in the material world, however is that what truly makes you happy? From personal experience, I've witnessed people who gain those possessions they want, only to take a breath and say "now I want an XYZ." They are never satisfied, always needing to move on to the next possession, certain that IT will bring them happiness. What void is it they are trying to fill?
I have no clue, but I do know that I'm not going to lay on my deathbed and whisper that I wish I'd spent more time at work, or that I had owned a Hummer or the like. Its the people that make my life, that bring happiness and laughter, that I want more time with. My family, friends, online friends.
What I find intriguing is this entire cyberworld that has opened up. 16 years ago when I first touched a computer, I was so fearful. Today, I am fearful when my computer is not working! To be able to make one post on Facebook and know my four siblings are all updated is comforting. To read their activities so easily has made a difference. Phone wasn't cutting it, computers do.
The online friends I've made (and yes I'm very very cautious, thinking everyone I meet online is an online predator) have become precious to me. Believe it or not, I have actually been to one girlfriends house that I met online. You see, we met in the virtual world of SecondLife, became friends, slowly shared real life details, find we live near each other and have talked in voice and on the phone. I go and meet her and her family. Yes, Skylar/Wendy - YOU! My sweet Texas friend that I'd never have in my life if I wasn't open to the new methods of finding relationships that are available today.
Studies/reports vary widely, but it is generally agreed that the number of relationships (friendships and romantic) starting online has increased greatly in recent years. One article I read stated that as many as 1 out of 3 relationships (this is relationships....friends, acquaintances, romantic) start online. The dating world says that approximately 30 percent of the population has tried or knows someone who has tried internet dating sites. What a change, and if we haven't changed, I guess it's time to wrap our minds around that idea. It's here and happening.
Yes, I have many friends I've met online, male and female, yes we talk in voice wearing our headsets and yes, I suppose we are nerds if that's what you want to call us. Will I end up in a real life romantic relationship that is a result of one of those online friendships? Perhaps. I'm definitely not opposed to it. I love technology and the doors it has opened to us, doors I never thought existed. Bring it on!
black bbw
the new atlantis
I have no clue, but I do know that I'm not going to lay on my deathbed and whisper that I wish I'd spent more time at work, or that I had owned a Hummer or the like. Its the people that make my life, that bring happiness and laughter, that I want more time with. My family, friends, online friends.
What I find intriguing is this entire cyberworld that has opened up. 16 years ago when I first touched a computer, I was so fearful. Today, I am fearful when my computer is not working! To be able to make one post on Facebook and know my four siblings are all updated is comforting. To read their activities so easily has made a difference. Phone wasn't cutting it, computers do.
The online friends I've made (and yes I'm very very cautious, thinking everyone I meet online is an online predator) have become precious to me. Believe it or not, I have actually been to one girlfriends house that I met online. You see, we met in the virtual world of SecondLife, became friends, slowly shared real life details, find we live near each other and have talked in voice and on the phone. I go and meet her and her family. Yes, Skylar/Wendy - YOU! My sweet Texas friend that I'd never have in my life if I wasn't open to the new methods of finding relationships that are available today.
Studies/reports vary widely, but it is generally agreed that the number of relationships (friendships and romantic) starting online has increased greatly in recent years. One article I read stated that as many as 1 out of 3 relationships (this is relationships....friends, acquaintances, romantic) start online. The dating world says that approximately 30 percent of the population has tried or knows someone who has tried internet dating sites. What a change, and if we haven't changed, I guess it's time to wrap our minds around that idea. It's here and happening.
Yes, I have many friends I've met online, male and female, yes we talk in voice wearing our headsets and yes, I suppose we are nerds if that's what you want to call us. Will I end up in a real life romantic relationship that is a result of one of those online friendships? Perhaps. I'm definitely not opposed to it. I love technology and the doors it has opened to us, doors I never thought existed. Bring it on!
black bbw
the new atlantis
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Blast from the past.
The girls and I visited my dad's grave in Mount Vernon Cemetary in Citrus Heights, CA back in .... hmmmm I'm guessing 1999....Melissa (middle) would be three and Becca on right would be five. My beloved (cough) brother, Steve has been digging through pictures and scanning. I'm going to join him, feeding him the old pics I have of family, if he organizes and shares with us. This is just the start.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Alton Brown
My friend Cindi with Alton Brown. I had to finally commemorate this. Unfortunately in the pic Alton's assistant took of me with AB, my eyes were closed and mouth open, and Alton's mouth was open, commenting on my insanely pink camera. *sigh*
You gotta admit Cindi's pic is awfully good tho.
You gotta admit Cindi's pic is awfully good tho.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Yea, yea, yea, nerd I know. Meet Triia and her dragonhawk. I've been exploring World of Warcraft (WoW) recently as I have a bunch of WoWhead friends, some librarians and yes, we have a Librarians of Warcraft group. Nerd. Yea, you don't have to laugh so much.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable
7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable is worth a read. WARNING.....this is one of the posts that will make my blog R rated. It can be viewed as crass, crude, outright offensive. Reality? That is life and what we are witnessing as a result of what this article talks about. Maybe this kind of in your face will wake some people up.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Schultz Girls....
Today was Becca's 16th birthday, and in keeping with tradition we went to Tokyo Steakhouse to celebrate. Our waitress took a picture of us. Nice day, no uglies, everyone was civil. Glad we got a pic of it.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I need to take up meditation or something and gain some zen moments in my life. Peace, simplicity, basics. I get so overwhelmed running around, trying to be everything to everybody and still falling way short and being on the receiving end of undeserved blame, anger, ugliness. The nasty words constantly take a toll and I just can't take it. THUS....I hide in my room. Read, play online games, talk to friends on voice chat. BLOG.
Stephen Hopson says "do what makes YOU happy FIRST and then if people want to adjust, accept or reject you, that’s their business. Our job is to take care of ourselves. Yes, you have to balance it out and compromise along the way, of course. But if you consistently go out of your way to make others happy, allowing your wants and desires to fall by the wayside, guess what will happen?
You’ll experience a range of emotions from depression, sadness, anger, resentment or bitterness. And the funny thing is you’re the one that put yourself in that position! It has nothing to do with the other person. All the other person did was to say what he/she wants and you went along with it."
OMG do I relate. Click on the link in his name and read more. I need to dig my heels in and live by this. I've let the opinion and hurt of others sway me in this many times and no more. I can not be what I need to be if I don't take care of me. I'll have nothing to give. Help me stick to this.
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