Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Texas Library Association Annual Convention

It has begun.  The largest library convention in the US, which just happens to be in Texas and the one that I attend.  It's always an incredible week as all the vendors and all the authors want to be at THIS convention.  Originally, Stacy was going to come with me, but the reality is that I work from 8 am - 6 p and then after convention is done for the day I need to answer emails and take care of work stuff.  Add that we just bought a house and we will move in three weeks.....well, seemed better he stay at home and work on packing, organizing and the like.  So there he is and here I am.

Today I had a preconference meeting on book mending and repair.  Tonight is an opening reception in the exhibit hall that I"m skipping since I waited 45 minutes for the shuttle and it hadn't come yet.  I was going to miss the majority of the event so decided I'll skip it at this point and eat dinner in the hotel restaurant.  Here I am!  Sitting all by my lonesome in a booth directly in the line of sight of EVERYONE that walks in.  Not the seculded little back booth I'd asked for.  Guess who HATES dining alone?  Yup.  So my computer is keeping me company.  Work emails, business letters and this blog.  Don't know if I look like a pitiful lonely spinster librarian or a high powered executive that is earning shiploads of money.  Guess the glasses, the hair up and the convention badge lend toward the first....

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