I'm working on my Master's degree in Library Science so that I can officially be called a Librarian. Yes, that is the requirement. Believe it or not, everyone working in a library is NOT a librarian. So.....my current course is Children and Youth Literature. In addition to our text, we have to read 18 books, some simple picture books, some young adult novels. From our choice list my little bitty library had all but one.
Having moved into the city limits of Leander over the summer, I have a library other than mine, at my disposal and is just over 1 mile from my house. Did I ever think I'd use it? C'mon I'm in my library 8 hours a day, if there is something I don't have it can be purchased or requested through ILL. UNTIL.....it came to a children's book that is needed SOON.
This morning I left my house to be at my local Leander Public Library at opening. Wandered in, requested a library card, let them know who I was and that they didn't have to do their new to libraries spiel on me. Pop into the children's room, grab THE book, self checkout and poof! Out the door. Why did I have to take a picture of the sign to commemorate that? Not sure, just the oddity of it, something I didn't think I'd be doing for some reason. It just had to be recorded, word and picture. Never say never.