Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's a beautiful day

Becca, Stacy and I each got up early in our different cities to witness the "supermoon" but the clouds prevented seeing it. Becca checked in via text (thanks for telling us abt this!). Seconds after my alarm went off at 630 Stacy called and we took our phones outside to scan the sky. A few too many clouds but a phenomenal morning. Stacy wandered down to the old fort Sam Houston gate, cell phone and coffee filling his hands, getting a morning stroll in. 

I ended up pruning roses and filling vases, watering tomatoes, picking up doggy-doo in the backyard. Now it's hammock time. Got fresh coffee, my book and my bestest buddy at my feet. Beautiful start to an amazing day. Only way it would be better is if I was in San Antonio in my hammock...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice....The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2013, the solstice falls on Friday, June 21.

Summer solstice brings to my mind....tree huggers, nature, rituals dancing around a tree, kumbaya....stuff along that line.  LOVE it honestly.  Birkenstock and free flowing dress wearing, long haired, dreadlocked, carefree people.  Expressing joy in the way preferred, no concern or judgement.  Peace, simplicity.  

I want those things.  Maybe I'm taking myself backwards, but I suppose age has to do with it?  As I get older, I just want what I want, the simple things.  Don't care what people think.  Give me the good stuff in life and the people that enjoy it with me.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I'm in heaven, I have support finally!  By that I mean someone that loves me and will be there for me, listen to me vent, hold me when I cry, and will interrupt my upset to say that he really wants me to know that he loves me very much....then tells me to go on with my tears or talking, he simply wanted me to hear that.

He will not allow drama into our home and lives and will talk with anyone to make that clear. If anyone bothers me he will stick up for me. 

He's here when I've had a long day playing boss or coordinating community enter our peaceful haven and if needed, he will shelter me, make decisions and just let me melt into his lap while he does what he thinks is best when I feel I have no more decision-making capability. 

Beyond new and exciting, I found what I need. I only hope I can be for him, half of what he is for me. Friend. Confidante. Advisor. Lover. Soulmate. 

With you, Stacy, I'm free. Not afraid to talk and share and really be me. I know you love me and listen without judgement, and that is the most freeing and motivating thing. Looking forward to the day we are not splitting our time between two cities, already loving the home we are creating together. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Frog Hill

So I left my last blog post with a little blurb that was running through my head about naming Stacy's house.  I've always been a fan of named houses.  When I lived in Virginia, I'd take my daughter to lacrosse games out by Winchester and traveling down the country roads, I was charmed to find all the houses had wonderful signs in front with the names of the house on them.  I've always wanted that.  I mentioned it to Stacy and he said that his house used to be called "the big house on Frog Hill".  Which is why he started collecting frogs.

Anyway....just had to put that little story down cause it's new to me.  I did a search for Frog Hill in San Antonio and came up with nothing so I think simply Frog Hill is great. BUT.....not my decision, just fascinates me.  Oh and that search brought me this awesome picture done by a man in the Netherlands using photoshop.  Thought it was pretty awesome!  Frog Hill indeed!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


San Antonio this weekend, any surprise?  This weekend is going to be very different than others as Stacy is in a Rehab/Care/Therapy  Center.  Hate it, but he will walk again.  You just don't know what life holds. 

The part that seems so odd about this weekend.....I was so worried about Stacy, what prognosis is, the reality of his health, etc.  Seeing him, I feel better and look forward to many amazing years with him.  I feel even closer and more like this is right.  Every time I see him it's that way......but he's not at home with me.  I overstayed visiting hours and came home without him.  Wandering around the house still feels ok.  I still feel like I should be here, even though he isn't.  I've never been here without him though.  Right now I'm laying in his bed, alone.  On his side.  But it's ok.  Maybe it's that I'm bonding with the house, as he says.  It doesn't feel so much like I'm visiting.  I'm home.  Safe.  Even though he's not here right now.

Tomorrow going to get up and do some planting and water everything I've been working on, then head back to the Center to spend the day.  He's too young to be where he is, dealing with what he is, but he says those days of bigger, faster, better are over.  They have taken their toll.  Now it's on to a funfilled life, just done a bit different.  With the man I love, my adviser and confidante, my best friend.....creating our life, our way.  To find this at our age, treasured, priceless.

Exhausted to sleep.  I'm thinking we need to name this 1924 house.  It used to be a brothel, you know......