Friday, July 26, 2013

The Flash

I may get killed for this but I have to preserve it.  I'm kind of known for toys....for loving kid stuff.....for banana dancing.  Basically for not growing up all the way sometimes.  I like to play and have fun and be a kid.

This pic is Stacy and a couple friends he has known since he was a kid.  Literally.  One of them he's known since he was four years old.  I don't have anyone like that in my life except my family.  There are actually four friends that are quite close and grew up together, here are three.  Apparently two of them went to Dollar General or something and had stumbled across these masks.  Stacy went to visit them for the weekend and shortly after his arrival this picture showed up on my phone.  Geez.  My boyfriend isn't even a grown up.  Oh!  Wait!  That's perfect!!!

He told me they were "the flash" and I asked if they wore trench coats.  Not sure I want to know the answer to that one, except it's better than wearing tights.....maybe.

Later in the evening I get this picture....tease. 
I have a love affair with sugar free slurpees. Green?  Didn't know that one. KEY LIME CREAM. Yummmm, guess where I'm going tomorrow??

We are all somewhat screwy....

Isn't this the plain old truth. I've always wondered who "they" are that determine what "normal" is. Have always believed we are all a bit off-kilter, degree is just different. So what?  That's what makes life interesting and people special. If we were all the same?  BORING! 

I choose to not grow all the way up and I choose to play. To laugh and to look for the good in people. To cherish those special to me. And if I do that in my own damaged, off-kilter way?  Life is good!  

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Stacy was out walking one morning and saw a little itty bitty toad trying to cross the road.  As Stacy said "it would have taken him two weeks the speed he was going."  He picked the frog up and carried him home to show me when I got to San Antonio.  He kept telling me this was something tiny, but I honestly didn't imagine how tiny.

Cute, huh?  Bout half the size of your little fingernail.  We had to get really close for these pics.

For a number of days he lived in a tupperware "bucket" with a forrest of grass.  Stacy kept him supplied with little insects to hunt and droplets of water.

Toady stayed with us a day after I arrived, then we let him go at the same spot he was picked up.....just outside the golf course.

You never know who is around the next corner....or at the end of the picnic table in this case....

One night Stacy and I went to Gruene, Texas to see The Chubby Knuckle Choir play.  While watching the band, we noticed there was a man at the front of the tables we were sitting at, singing along to the music, talking to the children of band members, and working with clay.  He had an incredible dog that resembled HANK THE COWDOG mounted on top of a beer bottle.  THAT was what caught my eye.

I figured the man must be a relative of the band or something and asked a friend (band wife) about the guy. She said they hadn't met him until this weekend but he was a follower of the band through his girlfriend.  She told me....."if you want to see what he's doing head over there cause at the end of the night he smashes it all up and its a ball of clay again."

So.....Sandy drags Stacy to see this artist.  We first introduced ourselves and started chatting.  Turns out Will (the artist) studied more formal art in his past.  He is from a smaller town just six miles south of New Braunfels.  His daughter has sold his art to pay for her tuition, in turn giving what would be his profit to a charity that is dear to his heart, thus winning his support.

Will is an artist....flamboyant, ready to talk and teach constantly.  He took my hand and started showing me how people see the hand but in reality how it is.....thumb sideways, not flat.  Pointing out lines and pads and putting what he saw into the hand he was making.  Yes.  THAT hand below.

A plastic drink cup he used to have wine in now held a person I thought.  Well, it was an embryo to be more precise....incredible.  Weird.  Disturbing.  Inventive.  Creative.  Breath-taking and inspiring. I think people's thoughts swing all over looking at these things.

I found them fascinating.  I like things a bit different, things that make you think.  Books and art.  Looking at this picture of the embryo, he noticed the foot was bent incorrectly and proceeded to make a "correct" one and pop it into Stacy's hand.

......and then there were the heads.  Not even upright, but I found them laying all over the table.  So....I propped them up and he made sure I noticed Sarah's and he pointed out how much she had learned and improved in just a day.  (Sarah is the daughter of my friend in the band and he's right....she's darn good and ended up finishing someone's horse head and doing some animals of her own.  Impressive girl!)

And below is Sarah and one of her creations.  An artist in a weekend.  What an opportunity for a kid.

What an awesome addition and pleasant surprise this was to the outing.  Will, singing away to great original tunes, sipping his wine and playing with clay.  Enjoying the hoards of people coming to talk and take pictures and just doing what was important and enjoyable to him.  He's found one of the great secrets in life.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Peter Frampton at the Majestic

July 24 brought Peter Frampton to the Majestic Theater in San Antonio.  Back in Marcxh or April or so, my favorite man asked me to the concert.  Of course, back then things were still pretty new and I thought he was brave asking me for a date a couple months or more away.  So I felt obligated to date him, til the concert at least......ok that was a JOKE.  I had already fallen in love with the guy and wasn't going to tell him that any time soon, and took comfort in the fact that he felt secure enough to commit to a date that far out.

Back in my senior year in high school, the FRAMPTON COMES ALIVE tour made its way through Honolulu and my bff Sharon and I went.  Who else went, not sure.  Age remember, 52 here and that was waaaay back in 1978 or 1979.  Frampton used to play on my little stereo, on an know those grooved vinyl things that a needle had to run over.  Double album set.  Sharon and I draped over my bed.  Topic:  boys.  What else?  Specially with Sharon as a bestie!!  :)  

Second time around with Frampton....this time I'm with my new bestie, Stacy, and starting a beautiful new chapter in my life.  I'd never been into the Majestic and yes, it is Majestic.

Glare from the lights is bad, but at least got a bit of the look of the theater, although the website does it justice, not this.  These are just my satisfaction that I really was here.

 Little less glary and looking to side boxes.  What a great setting to watch a show in.  I'd love to come back for more concerts and stage shows.  Think I can pull the man along.

Kenny Wayne Sheppard opened the show for Frampton, a country rock guitar player and his band.  Best song was Black on Blue.  Rest.....ok, not my style and nothing stand out.

But then there was Frampton.  Boy have we all aged.  Bald on top, fringe of white hair.....hated when he looked like a little old man to me cause it reinforced how old I have gotten.  BUT MAN can he plan and perform.  Still sounds like the same young guy that rolled through town 25 years ago.  I'm sure in his head he is am I'm still no older than 29 and Stacy is 31.  

Yes, he played the Comes Alive songs.  Tears rolled down my cheeks and I fought to steady my lip.  Memories slammed into me and thoughts of Sharon ran through my head.  Wonder that she is still my friend all these 35 years later.  And yes, now as I sit here typing this....weeks later, tears again.  Ok, ok, it's an old person thing.  Sheesh.  It's valuing people and the precious memories and realizing that is all that counts.  

Frampton brought Steve Lukather out on stage, a friend for many many years, the 80s I believe he said. Lukather is formerly of Toto and played some incredible guitar with Peter.  

Peter Frampton, of all people, guitar player that he is.....could get away with playing some covers.  He did Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun which he covered on his 2006 instrumental album FINGERPRINTS.  He also slipped a very appropriate While My Guitar Gently Weeps into his ovation songs.  Peter recorded this Beatles song on his 2009 album NOW.  

During the ovations, Stacy made the comment that everyone was really dancing.  Then he laughed and said...."they are stretching!!!".  Well yea we were swaying and dancing and stretching or attempting to camouflage the stretches into something else, but yes, he was right on with this crowd!

The Majestic Theater was magical to me.  I'll be back for more.

Monday, July 1, 2013

What's going on.....

OK here it is what is going on in my life.  I know people wonder and speculate.  I haven't said a lot, because life is in limbo.  A good limbo.  But people have to have it figured out somewhat.

Yes, the man I'm involved with lives in San Antonio.  Yes, I spend a lot of time there.  Stacy was injured in a bad accident a while back and hadn't been cleared to drive so I've been doing the driving and heading to SA as often as I can.  Yes the relationship has progressed and gotten serious.  (Thank you online dating).

So here it is.....yes, I am going to move to San Antonio.  When?  That is the question.  If money was no object and I could just cut and run I'd be there already. But I need a job.  The logistics are frustrating sometimes but honestly?  They will work out.  We just have to all stay flexible.  On the SA end, Melissa and I will be moving in with Stacy at his "compound".  On the Liberty Hill/Leander end.....nothing has been said to this point because there is no job to go to.  Could be months.  God I hope not.  But I'm sure the Trustee President where I work has a clue....he's intimated as much asking how things are and if he should be concerned and has asked me to keep him updated.  As soon as I know SOMETHING I will update everyone.  But yes.....I do anticipate a huge life change as we combine our homes and lives.

My heart is in San Antonio and I hope to take my entire life there soon.  And once that ball begins rolling, soon will be S.O.O.N.