Thursday, February 21, 2013

When it's time to change.....

When I think of change, that Brady Bunch episode where Peter's voice is chainging and the family sings "When it's Time for Change" always pops in my head and yes, I'll be singing it for the rest of the day.  Now that I've mentioned the song, those of you that are of the same generation will hopefully also be singing along.

Change is hard.  The idea and determination can come upon us, as it has me.  I have to stay motivated and in trying to do so, I've run across an article written by Stephenie Zamora for   One thing she talks about that is so needed in making change is to:

1) Create a tribe of supportive, like-minded people.
This is soooooo, so important to making positive changes in your life! I can't stress it enough. When I was experiencing my quarter-life crisis, I felt so lost and confused as to who I was and what I wanted… despite seeming to have everything. It was incredibly isolating because I felt like no one else would understand.

The truth is I wasn't alone, and neither are you. Just because those like-minded people don't presently exist in your life, doesn't mean they're not out there experiencing the SAME EXACT thing as you… wishing they had someone to relate to as well. No matter what you're going through or what you want to create for yourself, I promise you, there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who want the same thing for themselves.

You are a unique and beautiful person, yes, but your situation is surprisingly common, regardless of what it is. This is known for sure.

Whether you're introverted or extroverted, you need people in your life who you can really open up to. People who will understand, love and support you.

You also need accountability! When you're trying to move toward a goal or big life shift, you need support, no matter how smart, capable or driven you are. Accountability puts you on the fast track to making amazing things happen.

Here are three ways to create that support tribe:

    Find a group around a goal you're working toward. This could be a runner's group, business mastermind or writer's group.

    Join a program, workshop or class. Not only will you be connected to like-minded people working toward the same goal, you'll learn something as well, AND have the added accountability of the coach or teacher.

    Find an online or virtual community. If you can't find any classes or local meetups, there is nothing wrong with a virtual tribe. Some of the most supportive and loving individuals in my life are people I have yet to meet face-to-face. Log on and find a Facebook group, website forum or online program or community.

I buy into that, how bout you?  I guess that was in my gut, that I'm not alone in making changes, that I want more and better, but I can't do it alone.  I'm going to need motivation, inspiration and some good conversation.  I want to create deep, authentic friendships.  And, so, my  Or how is best to create this group of people to talk and who regularly want to talk?  Would love feedback.  I think I've got all fixed so that comments are enabled.....getting used to letting this blog go public.  

Looking for your feedback and more you all!

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