Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I love my big brother

Funny lately (yea the haha kind but also the *odd* kind too), I've spoken with both my brothers and, just as I'm in the midst of realizing that what I've been pursuing for about 20 years has it's own word...MINDFULNESS....I find that my brothers have dabbled around in this area somewhat.  Both have searched, questioned, read about.

Steve is seven years older than me and had a life changing stroke recently.  THANKFULLY it was a life changing stroke.  Some people go through something like that and bounce back and keep going, invincible as they think they are, not making changes.

I can only hope most people take the chance they've been given and appreciate things.  Change.  Search.  Realize that NOW is all that matters.  Don't beat yourself up over past behaviors or regrets, over not walking or eating too much.  Seriously, what good does that do right this moment?  DO SOMETHING NOW.  NOW. Change.  Don't worry about if you can maintain the change.  Worry about tomorrow or a week/month from now?  Why?  Doesn't help.  Learn, implement NOW.  Make the changes now...appreciate each movement, each little thing you can do, each little kindness extended.  Don't put off calling or talking to someone, or that I LOVE YOU.  Never.  NOW is the only time there is, the only time you have, that you are guaranteed.  Watch the butterflies, feel the wind across your skin and the sound of planes in the sky, traffic roaring past, ripples of water.

Look for the good, go forward with a positive attitude.  Dwelling on the negative is simply the ego.  So what?  Is it really that terribly poor me bad?  REALLY????  No.  Ask someone who just had a stroke.  Ask about the moment of the stroke, about realizing there is a fate worse than death (as my brother kindly learned and pointed out.)  Hearing that?  Completely cemented my resolve to live mindfully.

Absolutely, positively HATE HATE HATE that my brother had a stroke.  Can't change a thing about that though, can I?  But I can tell you that since then, I have been in contact much more often.  MUCH.  Years don't pass any more without communication and not just the printed/typed word.  Voice.  The I love you's.  Endearments.  Appreciate what you have, it can be so much worse.  Enjoy to the fullest.  Release negative thoughts, feelings and resentments.  There is ALWAYS a bright side or point, somewhere.  Look for it and learn from the situation. Be that glass half full person.

So....I'm seeing this guy that has me totally smitten right?  HUGE plus factor is that he's into this whole mindfulness thing even though I don't think he knew the word either.  It's the tai chi, chakra, Feng Shui studies, look for the positive, ditch that negative pissy attitude that I love.  He's consciously made an effort and like he says, some days it's a lot of work.

Personally, I think it's constant growth and learning and change.  There is so much information out there, my desire to learn about different cultures, practices, ways of doing things, concepts.....has grown tremendously.  There is no way I can keep this clear headed, pure "ish" path going without people to cling to and help along the way.  I've got that in Stacy.  Just talking about things we read in magazines, no judgement, being open to ideas and knowing we are looking toward a positive and NOW goal.  HUGE help.  Now.....I find that two in my family also have been searching and reading?  Omigosh!  I've got a family of crazies like me!  How cool is life?  We can all sit around drinking our tea, sniffing our incense and singing oohhhmmmsss to the sky.  OK so yea that was smart assy....but c'mon.  My FAMILY as well as the man I'm nuts about?  What could be better?

I've got people to bounce things off, learn with, share resources with.  I get way sidetracked (you KNOW what I'm talking about) surfing around the interwebs....do I remember all the cool sites and things I want to explore?  Nada.  Now....I have partners in the crime of NOW.....of peacefulness.  Betcha that I've had them all along, we all just didn't really know what we're searching for but I'm guessing it's peace and happiness and contentment or close to that.  Now, to find that kumbaya circle.....

By the way....I love my big brother....

.....from the blog of Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones, an awesome leader in mindfulness

1 comment:

  1. Jeez Petunia ... you made me tear up (twice in one day no less).
    I love my little sister.
