Tuesday, April 9, 2013

.....says the librarian

“Never memorize something that you can look up.”  ― Albert Einstein

Stacy and I were having a conversation tonight and he gave me this wonderful Einstein quote.  PERFECT, so me!  I feel like so much runs through my brain constantly, there is so much to do, know, and as a parent knows, schedules to keep.  I was lamenting that I can't keep stuff straight sometimes, don't ask me to give you the facts, those I can look up, it's the important changing things that I keep in my brain. And boom, out popped this quote.  Who knew Einstein and I were soul mates???

The ironic thing is that as a librarian, Google isn't good enough. I need the back up, the proofs.  I have this t-shirt even.  Google is a great starting point, but the internet is so much deeper than Google.  I'm the person that will debunk your cute/amazing post on FB the one that's almost unbelievable. I'll find the snopes, the original interviews, look up the books referred to and put it all back together and in perspective.  Any wonder that I'm intent on educating people that Wikipedia is NOT an accepted, cite-able resource?  I've proved it by editing the page they show me with some ridiculous obviously false piece of info and the look on their face is amazing.  OK I do have to say that people do the citations on Wikipedia leading to the sources and proofs, but again, ANYONE can go in and edit that site so please check the sources.

I'm with Einstein (who I must say is pretty darn good company)....Not gonna memorize the stuff I can look up.  And yea, more often than not, that is going to be Google....it's an awesome starting point and will often take me to my kind of proof.  Gotta love a man who knows an Einstein quote that is gonna excite me!


  1. always been mt favorite Einstein quote. we're so similar it is scary ... you'd think we were related or something

  2. Einstein has lots of good quotes. I have my favorite taped on the wall by my desk - "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them"

  3. @kitekid.....related or something, yathink? @susanroz......LOVE that one have to add it. Goes along with the ole...if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got, but said much more eloquently.
