Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mason Jars....

So, part of my "thing" .... this quest for mindfulness or whatever it is .... is that I like pure, natural things.

Things like 100 percent cotton sheets.  I prefer clothing to be cotton or linen or bamboo (yes I do have some bamboo socks).  I like the windows open and fresh air and will keep my air conditioner and heater off as long as humanly possible.  I prefer products made from natural materials (think rope, wood, metal, glass) and not composites or plastic or poly-something.

I guess my thinking goes back to the whole water bottle issue.  The reuse of disposable water bottles has caused so much debate.  The result became "BPA FREE bottles, designed to be reused."  DANG!!!  If the others weren't BPA free, does that mean I now have BPA in my body that left those bottles?  Or where did it go? Why were the plastics changed?  You get the idea.....we just don't know about what leeches out of plastic and what it does to us.  Add that in order to reuse bottles we put them in the dishwasher or if reusing the cute plastic container lunch meat comes in we put them in the microwave.  ACK!  Not really sure what I think about all that, it's kind of scary to start the thought process because it becomes a horror movie in my head.  So pure materials when I possibly can, in all things. solution for the Tupperware/Rubbermaid glass if possible.  Beautiful glass pitchers are made and very inexpensive to pick up at places like TJ Maxx.  For as little as $3.99 I've picked up some great ones.  My favorite all around all purpose container?  Made of glass no less.......the MASON JAR!!!!!  They are so inexpensive to buy, specially if you scavenge them from random garage sales or estate sales.  I just kind of open my mouth anytime I need anything (via Facebook often) and boom!  Right into my lap, free!

But mason jars are AWESOME and come in many sizes and can be used for so much.  Love the redneck Texas use as a drinking glass.  Nice and heavy, doesn't tip easily.  I often have my unsweetened iced tea in them, notice UN at the start you Texans.  They are great for getting stuff out of those offensive plastic packages and into safe glass (dried fruit, pasta, rice, wheat germ, flax seed......).  I use them in the fridge and cupboard.  You can even put a salad in one, and if you use salad dressing, just put that on the bottom, layering veggies then lettuce on top.....then, shake em up!!  By the way, follow that link I snuck in there.....awesome stuff!  Also.....crafting is just plain fun with mason jars.....check this pinterest board out, covers just about any use.  And there's good old Food in Jars.  Or Mason Jar Magic.

So anyway, the pinterest thing I love cause I'm visual and those pictures always get me.  I'm the one that wants restaurants to parade the food by so I can order by looking.  Go check out the pics and see why I love mason jars.  A picture speaks a thousand words.

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